Thursday, 28 April 2011

HRT and Menopause

Almost everyone is aware that HRT has been linked to cancer of the breast. This came out of the WHI study in UK which showed that those women who took HRT for more than 5 years were at greater risk from breast cancer, cardiovascular problems and stroke. There was however a flaw in the study in that it comprised predominantly women in the older age group who of course would be at greater risk of getting breast cancer in view of their age. Later, it was found that those who had combined oestrogens and progesterones were at greater risk than those who only took oestrogen. To make matters even more confusing, a new study now shows that if oestrogen is given to women in the 50's, it reduces the breast cancer risk!. It is no wonder that not only is the public confused but so are many gynaecologists!. Apparently the oestrogen gobbles up any potential breast cancer cells.

So what are we to deduce from all this. The most prudent would be to recommend HRT for no longer than 5 years, and to use the safest oestrogens and if progesterone is needed, micronised progesterones. Regular mammograms should be routine in those on HRT, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle free of smoking and drinking and excercising regularly

Other alternatives such as black cohosh, isoflavones, dong qui, etc however have not been shown to have a significantly greater effect than conventional HRT in improving symptoms. They all act on oestrogen receptors and therefore have the same risks as HRT of breast cancer.

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