Wednesday 11 May 2011

Urgency incontinence ( overactive bladder )

This is a common problem in women and should be distinguished from stress incontinence. The need to go several times a day, and the feeling of having to go again almost immediately after emptying the bladder, getting up at night to go, or being incontinent if not able to get to the toilet in time, indicates urge incontinence . The cause is often due to a hyperactivity of the nerves on the back of the bladder which are responsible for the sensation of fullness of the bladder. Whereas stress incontinence is a condition when increased pelvic pressure such as coughing, sneezing, excercising brings about a leakage of urine.

Once your gyne has excluded a urinary tract infection, he could then diagnose the condition through urodynamic studies or alternatively give you a trial dose of a drug for the treatment of urge incintinence and see if there is improvement. Initially, 'bladder training' may help. Getting you to delay voiding urine and gradually increasing the interval of time between voiding over a period of time will stretch the bladder and enable you to hold more urine. The drug of choice is detrustol ( tolterodine tartrate ) given as a single long acting dose.

Recently studies have been shown that botox injected into the bladder wall appears to help with this condition. The use of botox however is still experimental and at this point of time should be used only in cases of intractable urge incontinence. The effect of botox is also temporary and lasts for a few months.

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