Wednesday 28 December 2011

Fibrocystic disease of the breasts

This very common condition is characterised by painful lumps in the breast. There are both solid and cystic lesions seen when an ultrasound scan is performed. They are usually multiple in nature. Typically the patient will experience swollen and painful breasts before and sometimes during her period. This condition should be distinguished from a fibroadenoma which is a single solid lump. Whatever the nature of the lesion it is always advisable to have a biopsy ( surgical removal) to exclude a cancer even though the mammogram or ultrasound scan shows that it is likely to be benign. I had a patient recently who had a 7 cm lump in her breast. She did not go to see a doctor out of fear and had left the lump to fester for many years. The scan showed that it was likely to be benign but at removal there was a focus of cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women today, and every woman should have a mammogram at least once in 2 years after 40 years of age.

Having confirmed that the fibrocystic disease is of a benign nature, a hormone profile done will often show an oestrogen predominance and low progesterone ( hormone levels). Prevention of recurrence and control of the disease is possible by balancing the hormone levels. One should also reduce salt intake, and consume less soy products. Evening primrose oil will also help reduce the effect of oestrogen on the breasts.

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